What does the Material Option 'Any resin - no preference' mean?

Whenever you find it difficult to choose between our 7 Stereolithography materials, then the material option: 'Any resin - no preference' provides you with 

  • a quick choice 
  • at the cheapest price in Stereolithography

Our planning team will choose a material to print your ordered part in according to the available machine capacity. In most cases this will be in the materials TuskXC2700W and ProtoGen White, but be aware that the chosen material can vary per part and per order.


We can use the parts to fill up remaining space on builds, which lets us use our machines more efficiently. Therefore we offer this choice including a discount which makes it our cheapest Stereolithography option. 


Reorders in this material option will not automatically be printed in the same material as the first order, but again in a material based on availability at that point in time. 

Please note that therefore a reorder of an order in 'Any resin - no preference' can lead to printing in a different material than in a previous order

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